It is not only the "Big 4" who are currently being called to the rescue when Corona points out how risky the abandonment of ongoing financial planning and liquidity control can be. Even managers who already have structured planning for their company realise that they were not sufficiently prepared for such a shock.
With a rolling 13-week plan, one already belongs to the well-positioned corporates. However, this planning only protects against surprises if the data it contains is complete and correct. Missing or incorrect amounts, but also correct amounts for incorrect value dates can quickly lead to wrong decisions with great effect.
For a large part of the companies, however, weekly updated planning seems unattainable because the information is "not available in such detail". What finance managers mean by this statement is in many cases due to a lack of ability to influence the preliminary work. Often, for example, they simply cannot tell the sales department to provide more accurate figures or convince the boss to share information about upcoming expenses with sufficient advance notice. The reason that one does not have a suitable system, however, can no longer be given as an excuse for inadequate planning today.
For those who make up their minds at short notice, Trinity has therefore already pre-installed some installations in its "private cloud" in order to be filled with the companies' data and taken productively in a few days. In this way, companies receive a working solution in the shortest possible time, and currently even at preferential conditions, as Trinity waives the calculation of the licence price for a certain period of time for this special configuration.

As a browser-based software solution, Trinity TMS can be used globally and, in addition to daily, weekly and monthly planning with individually customisable categories. Trinity TMS also allows the inclusion of market data to automatically take into account current valuations and interest payments. With different assumptions about exchange rate and interest rate developments, different scenarios can be considered and simulated decisions can be run through.
Use the time now to improve your liquidity planning system. The installation can be carried out in a short time (remote and without any risk of infection) and with minimal resource input on your part. With our system, you will gain a better overview of your company's liquidity situation more quickly and be able to take appropriate control measures in a timely and targeted manner.
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